Schools Fundraising
Each year primary, secondary and third level students from all across Munster go above and beyond to help raised funds for CUH Charity. Their energy and creativity is inspiring and their support of Cork University Hospital is positively impacting so many people’s lives.
If your school would like to help us raise funds for Cork University Hospital this year, we’d love to hear from you. You can contact us here, call us on 021 423 4529 or email us at [email protected].
Ways your school can get involved
Why Fundraise

By fundraising for CUH Charity, students will be helping raise vital funds to enhance the care Cork University Hospital can provide. They’ll be helping ensure that their community has access to the best live-saving equipment and the exceptional care and facilities they need and deserve.
But fundraising can also help them. It can provide a fun way to engage with students and can help them develop key skills in the process such as organisation, team-work, communication and planning. It empowers our young people to help those around them. Get in touch today to find out more about our school fundraising opportunities.