

The Great Railway Run 2015

The Great Raliway Run Is a Charity running event organised by the Carrigaline & District Lions Club with the support of Carrigaline Road Runnera AC. The event features 5K, 10K and 25K distance options to accomodate as wide a range of participants as possible and takes place along the route of the old railway line from Cork city to Carrigaline

January 29th, 2015|Comments Off on The Great Railway Run 2015

Graham Norton hosts a hugely successful Tribute Concert to Helen Fennell

Chatshow host king, Graham Norton hosted a hugely successful tribute concert to Helen Fennell at The Everyman Cork. Helen was 18 years old when she passed away after receiving a heart transplant, but in her memory her mother Elaine and father Justin wanted to pay tribute to her joyful life.

March 21st, 2016|Comments Off on Graham Norton hosts a hugely successful Tribute Concert to Helen Fennell