Leaving a Legacy
A gift to CUH Charity in your will, is a gift to future generations. You could enrich and improve thousands of patients lives and you’ll be safeguarding your loved ones’ futures.
How your gift will transform care
The aim of CUH Charity is to provide a wide range of life-changing and life-saving equipment, facilities and services for patients in Cork University Hospital (CUH) and Cork University Maternity Hospital (CUMH).
Cork University Hospital is one of the biggest and busiest hospitals in Ireland. It serves a population of over 1.1 million people and houses over 40 medical and surgical specialities on one campus .
Cork University Maternity Hospital is part of the South/South-West Hospital Group (SSWHG) and is the largest tertiary referral centre in the South of Ireland. Over 8,000 babies are delivered at the hospital every year.
With your support we can enhance facilities, services and patient care.
You can help ensure that our community has access to the best healthcare facilities and expert medical care into the future.
Our pledge to you
We understand that leaving us a gift in your Will is a deeply personal decision. We’re so incredibly grateful that you are considering making this wonderful gift and we promise that:

We’ll use your gift wisely to help enhance the care provided by Cork University Hospital.

We’ll be available to answer any questions you have and will treat your enquiries in the strictest of confidence.

You can always change your mind if your circumstances or priorities change in the future.
For further information please call 021 423 4529 or email the charity at [email protected].
How to Leave a Gift in Your Will
Once you’ve provided for your family and friends, including CUH (Cork University Hospital) Charity in your Will is a simple process that your solicitor can organise for you. If you’ve an existing Will, they can add a codicil to it to include the gift. If you don’t have a Will, a solicitor can guide you through the process of drawing one up.
There are two main types of gifts you can leave – a % of your estate (Residuary Legacy) or a fixed amount or specific item (Pecuniary Legacy). Below is the sample wording you can include:
Residuary Legacy Wording
“I give to CUH (Cork University Hospital) Charity of Room 8, Main Concourse, Cork University Hospital, Wilton, Cork, (insert a % of anywhere between 1% and 100%) of the residue of my estate whatsoever and wheresoever, and I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or other officer for the time being of the said Organisation shall be a full and sufficient discharge of the same”.
Pecuniary Legacy Wording
“I give the sum of €_______ or I bequeath (Insert the item specified) to CUH (Cork University Hospital) Charity of Room 8, Main Concourse, Cork University Hospital, Wilton, Cork, and I direct that the Treasurer or other proper officer for the time being of the said Organisation shall be proper and sufficient discharge for the same”.
If you chose to leave a gift in your Will, no matter how large or small, please do get in touch to let us know. You can contact our office, in confidence at 021 423 4529.