Dear friend,
I was really frightened.
When you’re pregnant with your fourth child, you feel confident. I’d done this before, you know?
But one morning, just before Christmas, I noticed bleeding.
I knew I had to get to the clinic right away. But there they told me, “We need to get you to Cork, now. The baby could come today.”
I was only 24 weeks pregnant. The baby wasn’t due for months yet! I began to feel afraid…
It’s at the worst times that you need the best people at your side. I’m so grateful for the staff at CUMH! That’s why I hope you’ll join me and give today.
I was told my condition could be lethal. So, I would be staying in hospital. But it was getting close to Christmas, and I desperately wanted to be with my family!
Yet, I knew my baby and I were in the best hands. And I’m grateful Sophie waited five important weeks before she was born. That gave us both a chance. But as she was being delivered, I knew all at once that something wasn’t right.
I went ice cold. I could feel the blood leaving my body. It was terrifying. Would Sophie make it? Would I?
I needed at least eight units of blood that day. But Sophie was safely born. And I’ll be forever grateful for the care I received.
I had to find a way to say thank you… and I hope you’ll join me this Christmas and send a generous gift.
I needed more surgery to save my life. And I didn’t see my new baby for 8 days.
I’m still here, and my daughter is perfect. But without the care we both received…, I don’t know that we would have survived.
Will you join me and give today so more women and babies get the care they need? Your gift, will help purchase needed equipment… and save more lives, like mine and Sophie’s.
Your care and kindness will ensure families facing trauma know that even in a crisis, they have somewhere they can turn.
Right now, another pregnant woman could be facing an unexpected emergency. So every euro matters. And as I remember that Christmas and all the fear and trauma, I know we need to help families who facing something similar. Please say you’ll give.
Nollaig Shona Duit,
P.S. Our Christmas would have been very different if the teams in NICU and CUMH hadn’t cared so well for us. But you can help more mothers and babies – I’ve enclosed information about new equipment and training that will save lives like mine.