Christmas 2024 at Cork University Hospital
Kinsale Lions Club Toy Drop
We would like to sincerely thank the Kinsale Lions Club for supporting us this year with their Toy Drop and of course the Defence Forces, Gardai & the Coast Guard for facilitating a fantastic visit from Santa Claus himself on the day!
After landing from the North Pole on a special Coast Guard flight, Santa made his way around the hospital accompanied by his Chief Elf, Cork GAA & Camogie Stars, our heroes from the Kinsale Lions Club and hospital staff visiting all the boys and girls in our children’s wards.
Each child that Santa spoke with received a very special gift while having the opportunity to tell him what their biggest wish for this Christmas was.
Wherever Santa went and whoever Santa spoke to….he left big smiles behind!
Without the help and hard work of all involved – this magical day would not have been possible. Thank you!

Stryker & OCH Facilitates Limited Decorations Drop
Wow…we would like to thank the entire team over at Stryker & OCH Facilitates Limited for donating so many beautiful Christmas decorations for the children’s wards in CUH this year.
Not long after they had been delivered…our elves were busy at work. They spent the afternoon hanging these fantastic decorations up in the children’s wards, which really made the day for both patients and staff.
By adding the extra bit of festive light and spirit to the wards, Stryker has brightened this Christmas for all those who have to stay in CUH this year. Thank you!

Community Toy Drops
Just amazing…we would also like to thank the staff over at Trellix, PJ Hegarty, the teachers and students at Colaiste Colm in Ballincollig, the West Cork Motorcycle Club, the team at Bluepoint Labs and those involved in the Meitheal Youth Leadership Programme for the huge amount of toys dropped in for the children in our Paediatrics Departments in CUH over the course of this week.
All of these fantastic toy donations will go a very long way to putting a big smile on every child’s face this Christmas morning. Not only will they brighten up their day, but they will provide a much-needed escape for every child though the hours of enjoyment and fun they will provide.
And we are so privileged to have such a kind and generous community surrounding CUH, that there will even by enough toys for the children attending the hospital into the early part of 2025. Thank you!