About Colm

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So far Colm has created 4 blog entries.

Young and old to unite for Lord Mayor’s Tea Dance in aid of CUH Charity

Cork City Hall will come alive on January 28 as young and old from across Cork and beyond gather for the annual Lord Mayor’s Tea Dance. Organised by a local committee, the event is held in conjunction with the Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr Dan Boyle, and chaired by Dr Andrew Crosbie. The evening [...]

CUH Charity Wins Donation from The Hospital Saturday Fund!

During a special reception at University College Cork on Thursday the 21st of November 2024 – CUH Charity was awarded a coveted donation in the presence of Cllr. Terry Coleman who was deputising for the Lord Mayor of Cork! The event saw over €131,000 donated to 28 top charities supporting health and wellbeing across Ireland [...]