A Cork woman who battles multiple sclerosis and a cancer diagnosis has urged the public to support a new tap-to-donate initiative for Cork University Hospital Charity.
Brave Michelle Curran, 55, regards CUH as a second home after the two major health setbacks.
Now she is asking customers of The Kingsley Hotel and its Perch Coffee & Wine outlet – where she is supervisor – to support services at the Wilton campus by tapping their bank cards to make a donation.
The first ever tap-to-donate points for the charity are based at the hotel’s reception and at the tills at Perch.
“I was diagnosed with MS 22 years ago and cervical cancer nine years ago,” said Ballincollig woman Michelle, who has worked in the hospitality sector on Leeside for over 30 years.
“I get tired and I’ve gone back to working four days a week. It takes its toll, instead of going three steps forward, I sometimes feel I’m going three steps back.”
She says the care she has received at CUH has been instrumental in improving her quality of life.
“If people can donate something while they are getting a coffee at Perch, or when they’re checking into, or out of, The Kingsley, it can help improve services at CUH for everyone who needs them.”
Michelle returns to CUH next month to discuss a new treatment plan, which may involve radiation or a pacemaker fitted to her back to control her bowel.
She has faced her illnesses with remarkable resilience.
“You get a deck of cards, you pick one and that’s the way things are for the rest of your life, you get on with it. You have to fight it every day.”
Finola Twomey, Director of Sales and Marketing at The Kingsley, said that given the hotel’s strong links with CUH, it was delighted to host the two tap-to-donate points.
“We felt it was right to do this and support the charity because we see so many people staying with us who are being treated at the hospital,” she said.
If you would like top support CUH & CUMH with a tap-to-donate unit in your company please email [email protected]
*The Tap-to-Donate points are located at reception at The Kingsley Hotel and at Perch Coffee & Wine.