We are delighted to be working with The Irish Examiner again to provide you with expert opinions on the subject of Women’s Health.

With Thanks to our sponsor:

Mothers, sisters, daughters, colleagues, friends… Investing in women’s health is an investment in our families, communities, and our companies.

You may have seen our previous pieces with The Irish Examiner, which focused on specific areas of work in CUH or CUMH – like Cancer, Stroke, Emergency and Paediatrics.

CUH Charity are delighted to take this opportunity to showcase this suite of incredibly important services including research initiatives available to women of all ages across CUH and CUMH.

Established in 2012, CUH (Cork University Hospital) Charity is the nominated charity of Cork University Hospital (CUH) and Cork University Maternity Hospital (CUMH). We work closely with the management team and healthcare experts at CUH and CUMH to identify the hospital’s most pressing needs and provide financial support for all departments.

Any donations made towards Women’s Health will be made available to any projects in CUH or CUMH that support our mission of ‘Saving and Changing Lives’ and is specifically supporting women in our community.